

Disfruta de una gran variedad de canciones para practicar inglés para los más pequeños

What’s Your Name?


Day of the weeks

Seven Steps

Five little ducks!

 The ants go maching

Hickory Dickory Dock

One potato, two potatoes

The Finger Family Song

Follow Me

Walking Walking

Count and move

Open shut them

I have a pet

What do you like to do?

Apple and bananas

10 littles dinosaurs

Put on your clothes

The Pinocchio

The Alphabet Chant

Go away,  Spooky Goblin!

Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes

Let´s go to the zoo

Rain Rain Go Away

I see something pink

Ted in the bed

I see something blue

Mr Sun, Mr Golden Sun

Yes, I can

The eskeleton dance

This is the way

Row, Row your boat

How´s the weather

How´s the weather?


The wheels on the bus

Old Mcdonald had a farm

Ten littles fishies

Walking in the jungle

Make a circle

Who took the cookie?

If you are happy

The Months chant